Adventurers only
Passed this point.

Prepare to embark on an epic journey filled with magic, mayhem, and mysterious creatures.

Your Group of Misfits

Your Group of Misfits

Featured Product

Featured Product


Our holiday one-shot, tabletop game, is now available to play! Download a bunch of useable items, monsters, maps, and an instructions on how to win Santa’s Pride.

In a battle between Gnomes and Halflings, who will be the ultimate winner?


Designed by us

Printed in comfort

Nerd in style

THe LaTesT SeSsiOn C2

Session 13 takes the Chaos Crew, Inc out of Bofunt towards Damport. Time is short and they move steadily but encounter trouble along the way. Decisions are made.


Our story is not unlike many others or maybe it is different, we aren’t sure. We never asked. But our beginning was a fortuitous cocktail of potential greatness. Eric (the veteran of the group) brought Caleb and Kristin into a few sessions to try it out. It caught like listeria on the Oregon Trail, but Caleb bit hard at the bit wanting to start his own campaign and dive headfirst into being the Dungeon Master.

So he did. Along the world building journey he found an unexpected friend showed interest in playing the game in a long campaign. Despite not knowing the others, Caleb brought Benji in the group. Before they knew it, 4 people sat at a self built table: 3 of them with a whisper of experience, 1 guy not knowing the group beforehand, a DM with absolutely no clue what he was doing, but all with the excitement to start something incredible.

Halfway through Campaign One: Kunivar, we invited another friend to play who ended up finishing the whole campaign. Thus adding Dee to our Casting Fate family.

The five of us make up this “idea”, this brand, this dream to build something fascinating and fun. We’re just getting started to cook. Hope you’re hungry.